Principal’s Updates Week 6 Term 4 2022

Assessments and Reporting

It is around this time of the school year when teachers start to finalise their assessments, and students start feeling like all they are doing is tests. Assessment is an ongoing process; however, we do have a few standardised assessments that we like to administer to help us measure progress of our students. These are usually in the form of online activities that students engage with using iPads or laptops. These assessments help to validate teacher judgement and inform the reporting process. Teachers are working on Semester 2 Reports now, and I hope to have them ready for sending out on Monday 12th December. Please ensure you are able to access Connect and your email address is correct, as this is how you will be able to download student reports.

Duncraig Primary Students Out and About

Last week, 21 of our Year 6 students presented a radio show on John Logan’s School of Thought program on 89.7FM Radio Station. The radio station is situated at ECU Joondalup Campus. The students were responsible for researching, writing, and presenting their pieces on the show. You can listen to the program by finding the Duncraig Primary School link on School Of Thought Radio Show & Podcasts | John Logan.


On Friday 11, Remembrance Day, our senior choir students travelled to the City of Joondalup for the Remembrance Service with Mrs Ruscoe and Ms Moyes. The students had the honour of singing the National Anthem and Nathan Cahill’s song, On the Hill. They performed beautifully, met the Mayor and other distinguished guests, including a 98yr old WWII vet, and enjoyed a tour of the Bushmaster.

Getting Ready for 2023

Due to a surge in enrolment numbers, we have needed to revisit our school structure and maintain the 16 classroom and 3 Kindy structure for 2023. Staff are currently considering class placements for students in 2023, and I am hoping to post these on the website by Friday 9 December.

In 2023, the school will be structured accordingly:

Kindy A

Kindy B

Kindy C

Pre-primary – Room 14

Pre-primary – Room 16

Year 1 – Room 18

Year 1 – Room 17

Year 1 – Room 13

Year 2 – Room 12

Year 2 – Room 11

Year 2 – Room 10

Year 3 – Room 8

Year 3 – Room 7

Year 3/4 – Room 5

Year 4 – Room 6

Year 4/5 – Room 4

Year 5 – Room 3

Year 5/6 – Room 2

Year 6 – Room 1

Assembly Superstars

Our final class-led assembly was held today, with Year 2 students from Room 11 showcasing their learning, singing a song about painting a picture and reciting a poem about being Sun Smart. It was so great to hear from the students about the fun ways that they engage in their learning.

Our final group of students also received Student of the Month Awards for Perseverance.

Our week 6 Merit Certificate recipients


Our next assemblies will be the Public Speaking Showcase – next Thursday 24 at 2.00pm, our PP-Year 5 Book Award Assembly on Thursday 8 December at 9.00am, and the Year 6 Graduation Assembly on Wednesday 14 December at 9.00am.

And don’t forget our Edu Dance Concerts on Monday 5 December at 2.00pm for Rooms 3, 5, 16, 7, 8, 10 and 18; and then on Wednesday 7 for Rooms 14, 13, 12, 4, 17, 11 and 6.

It is a busy end of the year!!

Kind regards,

Nicole Borbas,
