School Hours
School commences at 8.50 am. Please note that your child should not arrive at school before 8.30 am as supervision for them is limited.
First instruction period 8.50 am – 10.30 am
Morning recess 10.30 am – 10.50 am
Second instruction period 10.50 am – 12.50 pm
Lunch 12.50 pm -1.30 pm
Third instruction period 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm
Students who arrive at school on time are more relaxed and feel more organised. We encourage you to assist your child by being punctual. If your child arrives after 8.50 am they need to obtain a late slip at the front office. Punctuality is also very important at the end of the day. Children do get distressed if parents are late to pick them up, and teachers may have other commitments after school. If you are delayed please call the school as soon as possible on 6224 2150.
Children leaving school grounds
Once a child arrives at school that child becomes the responsibility of the school. Permission is not granted for the children to leave the school grounds except in special circumstances and with written consent of the parent or guardian..
Picking students up early
If you need to take your child off school premises during school hours you are required to complete a form at the school administration office prior to collecting your child
Absentee Procedure
If your child is absent from school please advise us using one of the following options.
- Email on include your child’s name, room number and reason for being absent
- SMS on 0419 924 048 include your child’s name, room number and reason for being absent
- Verbal & written communication with teachers
- Note in student diary
- Phone call to school
The Education Act states that every absence from school should be explained within three days. If you know your child is going to be away, you can let us know before the actual absence.