It has been fabulous seeing the amount of learning students have been engaged in this week, focusing on Aboriginal perspectives as we celebrate NAIDOC Week. It was a shame to cancel our Wanjoo Workshop, scheduled for Monday, however, we will be rescheduling this performance for later in Term 3. More information to follow.
Book Swap Shop
The very successful Book Swap Shop raised over $500 for the Aboriginal Literacy Fund. Thank you to all our wonderful students who donated and bought books last week. Thank you also to Mrs Key, in the library, for instigating this fabulous event.
Assembly Super-stars
At our last assembly of Term 2, Room 3 gave us a lesson in Resilience. Congratulations to the Year 5 students for some well-delivered words about being resilient. Congratulations also to our Merit certificate winners, and Literacy Pro Award winners.
Merit Certificates – Host class: Room 3 Date: Thursday 23 June 2022
Year | Room | Teacher | Recipient |
PP | 14 | Ms Phillips | Aria, Anna and Kye |
PP | 16 | Mrs Cowton/Mrs Wass | Grace and Emily |
1 | 17 | Mrs Calton/Mrs Wass | Zola and Rumi |
1 | 18 | Mrs Bastock | Kyle and Anderson |
2 | 13 | Mrs Firman | Miguel and Zac |
2 | 10 | Mrs Adams | Zoe and Alisi |
2 | 11 | Mrs Cole | Toby and Nevaeh |
2 | 12 | Miss Collett | Phoebe and Jack |
3 | 8 | Mrs Orford | Lottie and Kade |
3 | 7 | Mr Miller | Daniel and Sophia |
3/4 | 6 | Mrs Watkinson/Mrs Wensinger | Max and Ethan |
4 | 5 | Miss Coombes/Mrs Wensinger | Scarlett, Noah and Bailey |
4/5 | 4 | Mr Zanatta | Jack and Maddy |
5 | 3 | Ms Finnie | Laura and Jack |
6 | 1 | Mrs Mosconi | Kevin and Anja |
6 | 2 | Mrs Jones | Alex |
French | Madame Wilderspin | Luis and Matthew |
Winter Lightning Carnival
Our Year 6 students, and some Year 5s, spent the day representing our school at the Winter Lightning Carnival today. Congratulations to all students for your sportsmanship and doing your best in Football, Soccer, Volleyball and Netball. Thank you to Mr O for his great sports organisation and to our super coaches on staff – Mrs Jones, Mrs Mosconi and Mrs Moyes; as well as our fabulous parents who volunteered their services to coach, umpire and support our students.
Staffing Semester 2
There are a few minor changes to staffing, commencing next term. We are pleased to welcome back Ms Louise Oldroyd from her Parenting Leave. Ms Oldroyd will be working in Room 3 on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Ms Finnie will be remaining in Room 5 for the remainder of the week.
In the Pre-primary area, Mrs Calton will be taking her Long Service Leave on Wednesdays in Semester 2, and Mrs Cowton has changed her day off to Fridays. Mrs Wass will remain with both classes for those changed days.
Mrs Orford will be continuing with a four-day week work fraction, for Semester 2, in Room 8. Mrs Danielle Martin will remain with Room 8, on Fridays, for the remainder of the year.
Finally, we welcome back Mrs Helen Spiers who has been away on sick leave this term. Mrs Spiers is very keen to come back to her Room 18 students. Thank you to Mrs Belinda Bastock, who has been a life saver this term, and has cared for and supported the Room 18 students in Mrs Spiers’ absence.
Student RAT Kits
We still have some boxes of RATs available for students, as we did not have to return them to the Department. Please pop in to collect an extra box if you would like some. These can be collected from the front office.
Voluntary Contributions
Did you know..?
In 2021 we received 62% Voluntary Contributions paid. This year we are aiming for 80%. It’s not too late to pay!
Your contributions help pay for:
- Consumable Art & Craft Supplies
- Hygiene & Medical Supplies
- Sunscreen
- Extra Classroom Supplies
Contributions are $60 per student. You can pay by direct deposit:
Account Name: Duncraig Primary School, BSB: 016-495, A/C: 340948316, Ref: Family Name
Please contact the office if you would like assistance with this.
Finally, Holidays!
Once again, it has been a very busy term. Obvious highlights were the resumption of whole school assemblies and the removal of the mask mandate. However, COVID has continued to make its mark on our school, with many student and staff absences. Thank you to our Duncraig PS families who have supported us and shown understanding during these times. For those parents who get to take holidays, enjoy!! For those who will be continuing on with work, please enjoy the lack of organisation required for the daily uniform, lunches and wake-ups!
If you get a chance, check out the Van Gogh Alive Exhibition at the Supreme Court Gardens. Zoe from Room 10 checked it out the other week on Madame Wilderspin’s recommendation.