News from the classroom – Mosaics project

As you are aware the Wellness Day planned for the end of term has been postponed.  As a part of the original planning the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) committee decided it would be great to create a whole school art piece in the form of a mosaic tree.  Last week, the students from year 1 to 3 participated in making their own mosaic piece to form part of the final creation.  With the support of Workshed Mosaics the students were really engaged in creating and learning some new skills. The tree will include our six values and will be installed on the red brick wall of the old canteen to be admired for years to come.  We would like to thank our school P&C in supporting the funding of this project.

ART this week.

This week in Art we have enjoyed a change of pace by taking our Art classes outside into the outdoor environment.  The students  gathered all sorts of natural items to make mandalas which involved making beautiful shapes and colours whilst in the fresh air.  The students created their designs whilst listening to the sounds of nature and some relaxing music.  It was great to regroup and offer students a calming experience as a means of creativity and expression.