Restons Branchées (Staying Connected).
Salut à tous!
We have a wonderful addition to our French Room,a beautiful banner of Paris has recently been purchased.
The students are very proud of our new piece of realia and we are currently benefiting from cultural talks arising from this fabulous resource.
Merci mille fois to M. Holmes for successfully attaching it to our French walls!
There is a lovely bookcase on show in the school library with all our new French Books which have been recently purchased. They are ready for our students to enjoy and borrow. Thank you to Madame Keys for making such a delightful display.
Enfin our Year 3 students are now so experienced with their French they are starting to read from our newly acquired French Readers! C’est Fantastique!
Year 1 Activities
Mrs Calton and Mrs Spiers were so happy all students came back to school healthy and safe this term. The year one students have been working hard and enjoying lots of activities. They have had some opportunities to collaborate with their big buddies. This includes buddy reading every second Thursday. The year ones have been focussing on subtraction and they have been making amazing progress with their Maths Factor results.
Last week the students created their own magic tree and this week they will be writing a narrative about their tree as a common assessment task. The students have also been learning about digital technology in preparation for Semester Two. This includes creating presentations on ipads and learning to logon to laptops.
Mrs Calton and Mrs Spiers cannot wait to continue to work with the year ones again next semester!