Principal’s Update – Week 10 Term 4

2022… It’s a Wrap!

End of Year Celebrations

Around the school this week, and last week, there has been a hive of activity and festivities as students and teachers celebrate the end of the school year. Check out the photos from around the school!

The Kindy kids have been very busy, enjoying a Messy Mud Play Day and entertaining their parents at the Kindy Christmas Concert.

Tennis Tournament

Students from Years 4-6 participated in the Interschool Tennis Tournament on Friday 9 December. Congratulations to all our competitors and thank you to Mr O for organising this event.


Book Awards

Congratulations to all students who won Book Awards at this year’s PP-5 Presentation Assembly. Pictured here are our Lion’s Literacy Award recipients.

Edu Dance Concerts

Our Pre-primary – Year 5 students amazed us with their dancing skills last week at the Edu Dance Concerts. The energy that they all participated with was truly fabulous. Well done to all our amazing dancers!

Year 6 Student Leaders decadent breakfast

Staffing Update

I am pleased to inform you that teacher staffing has been completed, with Miss Brittany Moorman joining us in 2023 as the Room 8, Year 3 teacher. Miss Moorman is a Graduate Teacher who has been working in the metropolitan area and has also worked in the remote community of Pia Wadjarri.

Whilst we welcome one new staff member, we also say goodbye (for now) to another. Ms Leah Clegg has been offered a position of Principal in Semester 1 at Takari Primary School. Whilst we are sad to see Ms Clegg go, we are excited for her and support her leadership aspirations. She has been an unwavering support for me this year, and she has the proven ability to lead a school and connect with her community. All the best Ms Clegg!

Book Club 2022

This year, your support of the Scholastic Book Club has earned our school $1260 in Rewards. These reward dollars are used by Ms Linda Key in the library to purchase more books to suit the K-6 range. Thank you for supporting the Book Club and investing in your children’s interest in books!

Thank you also to Mrs Anna Collie, who does a wonderful job as Book Club organiser!

Class Lists

Class lists are completed, and they can be HERE.

Please note that these lists may be subject to change.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all our families.

For some students, the end of 2022 marks the end of their families’ association with Duncraig Primary School. As principal, on behalf of staff past and present, I would like to thank these families for choosing Duncraig Primary School and for their contributions to their child’s education and to the success of our school.

For those families who will be staying with us, we look forward to seeing you in 2023 for another great year!

Kind regards,

Nicole Borbas,
