Over the past 6 months the Duncraig Primary School Board and staff have been working together to create our new school business plan. It has been a process of reflection on what the school has achieved over the past three years, what has worked, what hasn’t and what areas we need to improve. The new 2020-2022 business plan encompasses six focus areas as part of our commitment to continuous improvement. They are:
Area 1: Teaching
Area 2: Learning Environment
Area 3: Resources
Area 4: Leadership
Area 5: Relationships
Area 6: Successful Students
Collectively the school staff and school board are in the process of reading the final draft and look forward to sharing the new plan with you at the beginning of Term 2.

The School Board in particular played an important role in developing the priority area of Relationships. The Board recognise that staff need to be acknowledged for their contributions to the school. At last week’s assembly I spoke to the school community about this and so began the process of recognising a staff member during the assembly. Our first recipient was Mr Ted Orzel.
Ted, more commonly known by the students as “Mr O” was recognised for the support he gives the school community especially during extra-curricular events. Ted assists the P&C with their morning running club, swimming carnivals, graduation events and other special events. He was a prominent figure at the recent Welcome BBQ where he could be found cooking the sausages on the BBQ or running skipping activities with the children. Ted goes way above and beyond what is expected of him. It is very much appreciated by everyone. Congraulations Ted!
I would like to welcome the executive group of the P&C for 2020. They are:
Karol Jones- President
Jaq Hutchinson- Vice President
Nicole Denny – Secretary
Thank you ladies for your commitment. It is much appreciated by the whole school community. The P&C are still looking for a treasurer. If you think you are able to help please contact the school.