Numero Competition
On Monday we had a wonderful group of students in Years 4- 6 participate in the State Numero Competition held at Mercy College in Girrawheen. Three teams participated in the competition. They were:
Duncraig Dynamos: Luka L, Kade M, Hayley F and James G who finished in 7th position
Duncraig Dragons: Kai S, Jackson B, Campbell S and Sasha A who finished in 6th position
Duncraig Destroyers: Alexis M, Chaise A, Una D and Alex T who finished in 3rd position
Reserves who came along were Christopher M and Mitchell B.
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Congratulations to all of you for doing such a fabulous job in representing Duncraig Primary School.
Australian Mathematics Competition
Congratulations to Christopher from Year 4 who was achieved the best result in the school and received a certificate of distinction.
Other students who received certificates of distinction were Alice and Maciek from Year 6 and Sasha and James from Year 4. Well done to all students who participated in this competition. Certificates will be sent home this week.
In the remaining weeks of Term 4 there will be a number of events in the school where we would love to have parents/carers attend. As a school we have had to make decisions about the running of events based on Phase 4 restrictions that are still in place. We have had to make adjustments to the usual plans in order to be able to involve the school community. We have focussed on ensuring events go ahead whilst adhering to the mandated requirements of the Department of Education. Below are the adjustments that have been made for the Edu Dance concerts, Year 6 graduation and PP-Year 5 Awards Assembly. The playgroup has been allowed to resume this term as the number of adults and children who attend meet the 2sq metre restrictions outlined in Phase 4.
EduDance Concerts
This year the Edu Dance concerts will take place on the netball court next to the new undercover area. They will be happening on Monday and Wednesday of Week 9. Details of what classes are performing on what day will be sent out on Connect early next week. The students will be sitting in the undercover area. Parents are invited to attend to watch from the grassed area/oval. Please bring your own fold up chair/rug and find a spot remembering to social distance.
Year 6 Graduation
This year the ceremony will take place on Wednesday 16 December at 9.00am. Invited guests and two members from each Year 6 student’s family will be invited to attend. Due to the 2 square metre restrictions, only the siblings of the Year 6 students from the school will be attending. Parents and students will be attending the parent organised dance social in the evening.
End of Year Class Awards
The Pre-Primary to Year 5 awards will be presented at a separate “Awards Assembly” on Thursday 10 December at 9.00am. The school councillors for 2021 will also be announced at this assembly. Due to the 2 square metre restrictions, only the parents of the 2021 councillors and students receiving awards will be invited to attend.
Kindergarten and Pre-Primary 2021 Orientations
At these events the parents will be invited to attend with socially distancing measures in place.
Public Speaking Showcase
Parents of the selected students will be invited to attend this event adhering to social distancing along with the students from Pre-primary to Year 6. Please contact me should you require any further details about this information.
World Teachers Day
Last Friday we celebrated World Teachers Day. As I say on many occasions the staff at Duncraig Primary School do an outstanding job. We all support one another and appreciate one another’s efforts. The teachers provided the students with some extra fun at the end of the day with a teacher/student dodge ball game. All the teachers and students participating and playing had a great time! Check out the you tube video on the school’s website to see the action!
Finally, a reminder about the Fathering Project launch. We look forward to a great turnout!
Lyn Dawson
5 November 2020