News from the classroom – The French Room

Bienvenue to all our new students who are learning French at our school this year.

Featured above is Sienna F who dresses “à une française” de temps en temps (from time to time) for lessons, she just loves learning the language!

Our debutantes from Year 3 are all learning quickly and they can already sing three songs. I thank Addison, Scarlett, Holly and Olivia who have all made special posters to decorate the French Room.

As Harmony week fast approaches and we celebrate WA’s Diversity of cultures, I want to recognise the many languages that are spoken in our students’ homes.

To name just a few languages we have German, Russian, Polish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Chinese that are all spoken at home from the students who are currently learning French.

We will make posters of different language salutations in the Language Room during Harmony week!