Principal’s Update – Term 2 Week 6

Parent Teacher Interviews

Our Parent-Teacher Meetings will take place on Monday 18th July. This is a School Development Day and pupil-free. Staff will be available from 12.45pm for meetings. Parents are encouraged to book online using the above link. This link will open from Week 7.  There may not be enough time slots for all families in some classes, so it is a first in-best dressed scenario. If there are no available time slots, then an alternative time may be arranged by contacting the class teacher directly.

School Culture Self-Assessment Community Survey 2022

Parents are invited to complete a quick survey. This survey is the School Culture Self-Assessment Survey, and your responses will help us prioritise programs and targets for our new Business Plan 2023-2025. Also, as the new principal at Duncraig Primary School, it is very important for me to get a picture about the needs and values of the school community.  I would really appreciate your feedback!! You can find the school survey here:

Musica Viva Incursion

Last Thursday, Thea and Michael from Musica Viva took us on a musical ‘Walk with the Wilderness’. We were delighted by music which represented the ecosystem, such as the relationship between birds, trees, insects and fungi. In Music class, students have been responding to the different ways the music is created, and Indigenous perspectives on music and the natural world.

National Simultaneous Storytime

Last week we celebrated National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS). The book chosen this year was Family Tree, authored by Josh Pyke and illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh. NSS is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association and the same story is read to students all around Australia. During the students’ library time, our wonderful librarian, Mrs Key, read Family Tree to the class. By facilitating NSS we aim to promote the value and importance of reading and literacy, by engaging with an Australian children’s book.

Great Book Swap

While we are in the library… the students at Duncraig Primary school are involved in the Great Book Swap. The Great Book Swap is a fantastic way to celebrate reading locally, learn more about Indigenous Languages and culture, while raising funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Students are encouraged to donate a book that they are finished with from home. During our NAIDOC Week celebrations (Week 10) we will be holding the book swap event, where for a gold coin donation, children can pick up a book. Donations are coming in, but we would love some more!

Semester 1 Reports

As you are aware, COVID-19 continues to impact our school community and has presented us with challenges in managing both student and staff attendance. I am pleased that together, we have been able to make the best of this situation and ensure your child’s continued learning.

As we navigate through these challenges, we will need to do some things differently to ensure our focus remains on students’ daily learning programs. For this reason, Semester 1 reporting will look different to what we have previously provided.

The report will include the A to E grades (or equivalent 5-point scale) for required learning areas. Information regarding your child’s attitude, behaviour and effort will continue to be reported. Our school has adjusted the extent to which comments are provided, with only a general comment included in the report. Should you wish for additional information on your child’s progress, you will have the opportunity to discuss at the parent/teacher meetings, Monday 18th July 2022.

School Development Day

Just a reminder to parents that this Friday 3rd June, will be a pupil free day as staff are involved in school development activities at the school. I hope everyone enjoys their long weekend!

Nicole Borbas – Principal