A huge THANK YOU to all

Dear Parents/Carers

I would just like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for your cooperation regarding staying off the school grounds and our staggered start and drop off procedures put in place this morning.

It couldn’t have gone smoother! The teachers were so excited to see our beautiful students return this morning and they did an outstanding job at making the students feel at ease returning to school.

I would like to clarify a couple of things for you.

1. The staggered times are only for those students who require drop off and pick up. Students who walk or ride to school are to follow the same procedure as normal. If they are on school grounds prior to 8.40am they go to the old undercover area where they are supervised between 8.20-8.40am. They then go their classroom. They will be dismissed from class at 3.00pm.

2. Students who require supervised pick up in the afternoons are to be collected from the Virgilia Street entrance to the school at their designated time. Students who walk or ride to school or whose parents have asked them to walk to the Marri, Kurrajong and Roche Road entrances to the school will be released at 3.00pm

3. The nature play space, oval, basketball court, undercover areas, some junior playground equipment and the cube have been re-opened for students to play on. The playground equipment is being cleaned before school, as well as after recess and lunch.

I am also aware that the Connect notices are taking their time to reach some parents. I have been informed that if you download the App onto your phone you get them much quicker. Once again thank you so much for a brilliant start to the term. We have welcomed 76% of our students back to school and they have settled in really well.

Look out for my weekly update on the website next week!


Lyn Dawson


29 April 2020

Read more updates in the COVID-19 section of the website.